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Jamie McGlue

Gaelic Awakening candidate for Dublin Bay North

Rendezvous with Jamie McGlue:

Gaelic Awakening:




I dream of the whole Earth sticking together and fighting for liberty, sovereignty, truth and justice. But if Ireland is to help such a beautiful future to be, we must first turn inward and take care of our own native people, before pleasing foreign elites. Free Speech, Fair Borders & Full Sovereignty must be defended and renewed. Ireland is for the Irish. China is for the Chinese. Ethiopia is for Ethiopians. At this stage of history, we must not force through a global monoculture, but stabilise nation states. Immigrants have much to contribute to any society, but sometimes a nation needs breathing space. The true point of balance and consciousness is to love all humanity, but respect traditional territory. Let us cleave to individual freedom in service of harmony, and through this noble struggle, awaken.
Jamie McGlue photograph
The Baily


About Jamie

I am a father, teacher, author, podcaster, poet, truthseeker, and lover of Ireland. I am running for election to Dáil Éireann to defend Free Speech, Fair Borders, and Full Sovereignty. We are at a serious point in Irish history, this sacred country being sold out to foreign elites and toxic ideology to such an extent that if we do not act, Éire will soon be unrecognisable.

I stand at a point of careful and considered balance, holding love and appreciation for all the peoples and territories of the Earth, and a genuine desire to build the beautiful world that will nourish humanity as one great family; and yet the first priority of each individual, family and nation must be to itself. How else could it be? I am no good to anyone if I do not take care of myself; my family can only support neighbours if our own house is in order; my nation is as good an influence on the world as it is upon itself and its own inner community. The Irish have been through so much; we need time to heal from history and revive our traditions dangling by a thread, and upon such a soulful foundation shall we again be lofty benefactors of enlightenment and high energy for all others. But until then we must put our own tribe first, as all must do. We have a rogue government to bring to heel, dire crises of housing, health, poverty and addiction to resolve, and a still lingering trauma of cultural dislocation and identity to find some answers to – and the answers just might be as Gaeilge.

I am seeking election under the banner of my new political party, Gaelic Awakening, whose core aim is defence of Free Speech, Fair Borders, and Full Sovereignty; however if we are not able to gain the required 300 members for registration in time, I will be running as an Independent. Please consider becoming a member (for free) and helping expand my voice as I speak on behalf of the Ireland that our ancestors fought and died for; the Ireland of love, truth, peace and freedom. Your #1 vote will empower me to bring true transformation to Ireland, but if that belongs to another, then I will welcome any preference on the ballot sheet, as every little bit counts. We who stand for liberty, sovereignty and the Irish way of life must find unity in our hearts, to rally round the core policies that alone can see Erin's breath flow free and full of Irish soul.

Revolution Rising

Put The Dáil On Strike

The Need To Believe

Peace, Not WWIII

Stick Me In The Dáil

Irish Native Rights


Road To The Dáil

Free Speech

Fair Borders

Full Sovereignty

From attacks on free speech, to uncontrolled immigration, to erosion of Irish sovereignty, Ireland has gone beyond the pale into a twilight zone where the traditionally unthinkable has become normal and government seems to exist in a bubble where it is ‘undemocratic’ to criticise or even question the radical change of direction being forced on us from above, even while it is entirely ‘democratic’ of them to rush through laws which a majority of the Irish clearly reject. By electing me, you are boosting my voice and helping me shift the national debate, forcing government to address the elephants in the room.